☾ creating wild imagery and events ☽
Hello friend!
I’m River (fae/they) a multimedia photovideographer, stripper, and event producer with roots dug deep into the mossy earth of the Pacific Northwest.
I’m obsessed with exploring, experiencing, and making beautiful images in nature. The joy of my art and work is sharing that passion with other humans and getting to capture their unique connection with wildness! I also love to dance and have a special place in my heart for capturing dancers and witnessing their creative expression. I also love working with artists and fellow sex workers. Whoever you are, if you want to shine I’m here to help you share it.
Skyclad is a word some earth worshipping folk use to describe being naked in nature- wearing nothing but sky. I love the body positivity and joyful engagement with the more-than-human world the word evokes. I love facilitating relationships between hearts and the land and being present for those moments.
Check out my events page to see what shows and group shoots I have coming up. Please feel free to browse the site to check out examples of my work, and use the contact form below or email me directly at skycladstudio.pnw@gmail.com to reach out with any questions or to start sharing ideas!
- River